Mississippi ranks among the top states in cardiovascular risk factors:
Diabetes - Hypertension - Kidney Disease - Obesity - Stroke



To resolve health disparities that exist in underserved, minority and rural populations.

My Mississippi Hope is committed to eliminating health disparities in underserved, minority and rural populations by addressing the root causes of inequitable healthcare access and outcomes.  Beginning in Mississippi, My Mississippi Hope will serve as a national by creating a scalable, community-driven template that can be replicated in high-risk regions across the country.


200,000 Non-Traumatic Amputations Occur in the U.S.

Someone loses a limb to PAD or Diabetes every 30 seconds.

African Americans are 3 times more likely to undergo amputation.


Why Mississippi?

Mississippi is one of the nation’s most underserved regions for cardiovascular health.  It has the lowest number of physicians per capita and faces substantial challenges in healthcare workforce availability and healthcare outcomes.  There is a high incidence of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart failure, periferal arterial disease (PAD) and preventable amputations.  Growing healthcare disparities include hospital closures and limited access to specialty care.  The solutions developed here can be replicated in other rural, minority and underserved areas.

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