My Mississippi Hope was founded to improve the health of all Mississippians. Mississippi ranks in the top for heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and amputation rates. Despite the poor health and alarming statistics, Mississippi ranks last in the number of physicians per capita. Preventative care and access to health education programs are challenging to find. Due to the rural nature of the Mississippi Delta, the poverty level and the lack of education, the residents of the Mississippi Delta have developed the greatest health disparity.

The mission of My Mississippi Hope is to provide preventative care and education to the residents of the Mississippi Delta. To incorporate the culture of residents with cutting edge science and medicine to create a positive impact on the health of Mississippians. We plan to provide a region wide, comprehensive, integrated network of volunteers for promoting knowledge about peripheral arterial disease, heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. We plan to take the volunteers to where the people are. We will go to their churches, civic centers, schools to provide the education needed. We can no longer wait for people to become critically ill before health care is accessed. The health disparity has become a humanitarian, public health and economic crises that must be addressed.

Our activities will include providing educational material, screening for diseases, and linking health care providers with patients. To date we have provided individuals with home blood pressure machines. Our volunteers have spoken at multiple churches and civic groups and have provided multiple screenings for peripheral arterial disease. We have sent volunteers to speak on radio stations in Greenville and Cleveland to promote peripheral arterial disease awareness.